Saturday, November 12, 2016

Saturday 9: Ballad of Gilligan's Island (1964)

1) This is about the fateful cruise of the S.S. Minnow. If you had a boat, what would christen it?
 The Unsinkable. 

2)  "No phone! No lights! No motorcar! Not a single luxury!" To Sam, those sound more like everyday essentials than luxuries. If you were shipwrecked with the gang, what standard amenity would you miss the most?
 The grocery store.  

3) The uncharted isle was in the Pacific, near Hawaii. Have you ever been to our 50th state?

 Not yet!

4) Natalie Schafer, who played Mrs. Howell, refused to divulge her age. Are you honest about how old you are? Or do you fudge it?

 I am very honest with my age. I don't need to hide it, proudly 33 with a 16 year old body and looks. How about that? Lol! 
5) Gilligan's Island featured many dream sequences. (Like the one where Gilligan dozes off and dreams that he's Jack from Jack and the Beanstalk.) Have you had any vivid dreams lately?


6) The pilot was filmed in November, 1963, in Honolulu. The cast and crew were actually onset when they learned of President Kennedy's assassination.* Because on location filming was so expensive, they couldn't afford to take any time off.  Tell us about a time when you had to work, even though your heart and head weren't in it.

 I think when the baby boy started kicking and moving at any time I am teaching I just want to lay down and get a hug from the husband but I needed to finish my job. I am 34 weeks pregnant and still working. Oh, well, at least I am working at home.

7) During the show's run, Mary Ann (Dawn Wells) was the clear fan favorite, receiving twice as many love letters as Ginger (Tina Louise). Have you ever written a fan letter (or posted a fan tweet or Facebook post)?
 None. I wanted to send one to Brad Pitt and ask him why Mr. and Mrs. Smith needs to break up.

8) Sam chose this week's song because it was going through her head, over and over again! Tell us a song that burrows into your head and stays there.

 Secret Love Song.

9)  Random question: You went to a discount store and got an amazing bargain -- a pair of dress shoes for just $4.99. You go to a formal event and someone compliments you on those great shoes and asks where you got them. Do you tell the truth?

 Why not? I should be honored. At least I was able to look great and spent less. 

Join the fun HERE.


The Gal Herself said...

"Honored to look great and spend less" is a wonderful attitude. Good for you!

CountryDew said...

I lost my 16-year-old body by the time I was 21 - of course, I married at 20 and went to work in an office. Office butt is hard to combat.

I am Harriet said...

You have me wondering if Molly Brown had a boat by that name :)

Kwizgiver said...

I don't remember my dreams often.

zippiknits...sometimes said...

I'll bet you are ready to have this baby born, you are very close! Wishing you a Happy week ahead.

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" give me some loving "


A New Beginning Published @ 2014 by Ipietoon